COVID-19 Business Operation Plan
COVID-19 Business Operation PlanPurpose and Instructions
In order to support the safety of employees and customers as the local economy begins to recover with the reopening of businesses from the COVID-19 pandemic, each business shall establish a risk mitigation “Business Operation Plan” (Plan) and shall maintain each plan at their business location. The purpose of the Plan is to formally develop and establish the Best Management Practices (BMPs) the business will complete and implement to ensure a safe environment. The BMPs will explain the necessary policies, practices and conditions that will be implemented to meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (SBCDPH) guidelines for COVID-19, and also the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards related to worker exposure to COVID-19.
This is a standard template for the Plan, which includes a checklist of BMPs that can be selected by each business. The goal of this template is to assist each business owner or manager in developing their own protocol that best meets the needs of their unique business operation(s) by modifying or adding to the template. It is encouraged that businesses supplement this plan with those provided by industry associations or organizations. Ultimately, the plan must have the strong commitment of management, and should be developed and implemented with the participation of staff to ensure the safety for all. The following minimum implementation measures are included in this template plan, which must be met, expanded upon, and described by each business:
Infection prevention measures;
Prompt identification and isolation of sick persons;
Engineering and administrative controls for social distancing, including reduced occupancy requirements;
Sanitation policies and procedures, including cleaning, disinfecting and decontamination;
Communications and training for managers and staff necessary to implement the plan; and
Procedures to ensure effective ongoing implementation of the plan.
In addition to the checklist of Best Management Practices, additional, supporting documentation shall always be available to provide additional specificity and expectations for all employees as the BMPs are implemented.
Enforcement of this plan is at the discretion of the appropriate governing body. As such, it is the sole responsibility of the business establishment to implement this plan for the health and safety of their employees, patrons, and the common good.
COVID-19 Business Operation Plan for
Norbeck Trading Company
Norbeck Trading Company recognizes that in operating their business, there are risks of exposure to COVID-19 for employees and customers, as it is highly contagious and has a mortality rate greater than the flue. In addition:
COVID-19 can spread easily and exponentially
While persons of all ages are at risk for catching COVID-19, individuals with compromised immune systems and the elderly may be at particular risk.
In operating, Norbeck Trading Company acknowledges the risks of COVID-19 exposure to its employees and customers and is committed to providing a safe and healthy business environment. To ensure that, the following Business Operation Plan (Plan) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been developed. All employees, including managers and staff, are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this Plan to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces, and requires full cooperation among staff and management. Only through this cooperative effort can the safety and health of all staff and persons in our workplace be maintained and established. Norbeck Trading Company managers and supervisors have full support in enforcing the provisions of this policy.
Our staff are our most important assets, and we want to ensure that they and our customers remain healthy and safe. We are serious about safety and health and keeping our staff working Norbeck Trading Company. Our Plan follows Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Utah Department of Public Health and Salt Lake County Department of Public Health guidelines, as well as the federal OSHA standards related to COVID-19, and addresses the following:
Infection prevention measures;
Prompt identification and isolation of sick persons;
Engineering and administrative controls for social distancing, including reduced occupancy requirements;
Sanitation policies and procedures, including cleaning, disinfecting and decontamination;
Communications and training for managers and staff necessary to implement the plan; and
Procedures to ensure effective ongoing implementation of the plan.
Date of Implementation: June 23rd 2020
Authorized by: Richard Allred
Title: Owner
Infection Prevention Measures
Protective Supplies:
Provided to staff
Required to be worn
How will it be provided, supplied and maintained?
Provided to staff
Required to be worn
How will it be provided, supplied and maintained?
Disinfectant and sanitation materials provided to staff
Sanitizing Spray
Sanitizing Wipes
Alcohol-based (60%+) cleaning solutions
How will it be provided, supplied and maintained?
Shields provided between public interaction areas
Sanitation and Respiratory etiquette:
Directions are provided to staff and visitors on proper handwashing procedures
Directions are provided to staff and visitors are being instructed to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing and to avoid touching their face, in particular their mouth, nose and eyes, with their hands.
External Risk Mitigation:
. We trust that our business partners and suppliers are following safe guidlines.
Identification and Isolation
Screening Process:
Staff have been informed of, and encouraged to, self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19
Thermal scan to detect fever for staff entering workplace
Screening and evaluating staff who exhibit signs of illness
Sick Leave Policy:
Policy has been implemented to protect the privacy of staff’ health status and health information
Quarantine Process:
Those that report mild symptoms to remain at home until symptoms subside for at least 72 hours
Those with symptoms to remain home for 7 days
Those with symptoms to seek testing to confirm COVID-19 diagnosis and follow orders from healthcare provider
Protocols for Social Distancing
Social distancing is being implemented in the workplace through the following engineering and administrative controls.
Promote the option to teleconference from home.
Teleconference agreement established to delineate roles and responsibilities
Provide flexible work hours. staggered shifts, other protocol to reduce the number of employees in the workplace at one time
Maintain six feet of distance between staff
Provide signage or instructions
Modify work space/cubicle to achieve distance
Sanitation Policies and Procedures
Employee Hygiene:
Handwashing guidance and instruction
Handwashing requirement after handling external elements (e.g. mail and packages, currency, etc)
Requirement to use hand sanitizer between handwashing
Appendix A – Guidance on COVID-19 Best Management Practices
Respiratory etiquette: Cover your cough or sneeze
Social distancing
Employees exhibiting signs and symptoms of COVID-19
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